Indiana CTSI Deadline: Trailblazer Planning Grant Submission

The Indiana CTSI Community Health Partnerships is soliciting proposals for the development of community-university partnerships to improve health, examine social determinants of health, or enhance health equity to result in future collaborative research proposals. The award can be used to establish new partnerships or to strengthen/expand existing community-university partnerships to solve critical health problems affecting Hoosiers. This award will not fund research pilots; instead, it will fund activities that help develop partnerships between organizations that have the potential to later engage in joint research projects to address health, health equity or social determinants of health. The expected outcome of this partnership development award is the development of a future research proposal for opportunities such as the Trailblazer Award. Examples of partnership development activities we are interested in funding include meetings, conferences, travel expenses, and quality improvement assessments.

Awards will be up to $5,000 for one year to allow for partnership growth and collaborative grant proposal development.


More information can be found on the Indiana CTSI website.

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