P&G Showcase & Office Hours


Location: B01 McCourtney Hall (View on map )


Determining your career path is a critical process that all graduate students and postdocs face. For those who have not yet begun thinking about your career path, it is certainly time to begin!

The workshop portion of the event, From 9:00-11:00,  is designed to help you plan and prepare for your job search after graduate school. Dr. Mark Glogowski, Dr. Ravi Ranatunga, and Dr. Jack Liou from The Procter & Gamble Company will discuss the skills and attributes that industry employers look for in candidates, provide tips and examples for writing a winning resume and an impactful research summary, and offer advice on how to successfully navigate the interview process.

The event is open to all PhD students and postdocs in Chemical and Physical Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Computer, Data & Information Sciences, and other STEM fields. No registration is required.

In addition, for students who wish, the presenters have agreed to meet one on one for 30 minutes each, from 11:30-1:30, to discuss individual resumes and research summaries. If you would like to make use of this opportunity, please sign up for a time slot using this link and submit your resume to: BIPH@nd.edu by February 5th at noon. The number of these “office hour” slots are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.


Originally published at cbm.nd.edu.