The Berthiaume Institute for Precision Health seeks proposals for the development of new technology (for example, instrumentation or software), or the purchase of existing technology, that could have a significant impact on precision health. This impact might include improvements in therapeutic targeting, increases in the accuracy or speed of measurements, automation of fabrication processes, or other translational capabilities, as well as more basic approaches that expand our understanding of human health and its functioning. This year, BIPH anticipates awarding up to $75,000 to one or more technology development projects.

This year, BIPH anticipates awarding up to $75,000 to one or more technology development projects.


All proposals should be submitted by e-mail to as a single PDF file containing all of the elements listed below:

  1. Title page, including contact information for the PI(s)
  2. Two-page project narrative, including: 
    • short summary
    • goals/aims
    • research plan
    • milestones
    • other personnel and resources leveraged
  3. Bibliography (no page limit)
  4. Budget, with justification
  5. Two-page CV for all PIs


The online application is now closed. The next application cycle will open in May 2024.


All proposals, of both types, will be reviewed for:

  • scientific excellence
  • relevance to program objectives
  • feasibility and impact of the technology proposed
  • potential for technology translation (if applicable)
  • capacity to attract sustainable external support or leverage existing resources

After peer-review ratings are received, proposals will be ranked, and a proposed set of funded projects presented to the BIPH Steering Committee for approval.


Please direct questions to Arnie Phifer, BIPH Associate Director, at